Transparency with Diana B.: How John Hyland Fought Cancer and Won—Three Times

PODCAST, June 25, 2020 /

A lot of people in the industry know John Hyland, the co-founder and executive officer of Private Advisor Group, who has been in the industry for 31 years. But few know his personal story. When John was younger, he became involved with the New Jersey chapter of the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society, a cause that was dear to him at the time because a beloved aunt had died from acute myeloid leukemia (AML), the most deadly form of blood cancer. But he couldn’t know at the time how fateful that choice would be. In 2010, John was diagnosed with AML himself. He never imagined he would be facing his mortality at 43 years old.

In this episode, Hyland joins Diana Britton, managing editor of, to share his experience with the disease, including the unimaginably painful treatment process, his challenges with depression, relapsing in 2014 and 2016, the road to recovery, and beyond.

In this episode, you will learn:

  • About John’s Iron Man triathlon training and what events led to his AML diagnosis
  • How he discovered that he had relapsed
  • How he coped with being quarantined and separated from his kids during treatment
  • How COVID-19 has impacted him and dredged up old feelings of being in quarantine for long periods of time
  • About John’s biggest takeaway from his cancer experience
  • How he deals with thoughts of dying and how the experience taught him to appreciate the time he hasAnd more.

As of three months ago, he had no signs of leukemia. Listen now to hear John’s experience recovering from AML.

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“I said, ‘Doc, am I going to live?’ And it was just silence. He finally says, ‘We have a lot of work to do.’ And that day was a tough day for me.”

~ John Hyland

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